IMA Engineering

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The Autosampler used globally in different mining applications.

Earlier this year we introduced The Autosampler - A new IMA product for drill chip sampling and now we have a few exciting updates regarding product deliveries and demand.

We are seeing an increased demand from all regions of the world. Currently, The Autosampler is being delivered and used in North- and South America, North Europe, South Africa and Turkey. The applications where our innovative product is used range from metal mines, industrial mineral mines to gold mines.

What is IMA Engineering?

IMA Engineering has used on-line sensors for analyzing ore and waste rock in mining for over 25 years. Today IMA on-line sensors are used in various stages of the mining process including on-line analysis of drill cores, drill chips, ore, and waste in loader buckets, ROM ore analysis on conveyor belts and in bulk ore sorting, as well as slurry analysis in concentrators.

Book a time and talk to our experts. 

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