Scanmobile – Drill-Core Analysis Lab
Scanmobile – Analyzing Elements, Minerals, and Rock Quality from Drill Cores.
Accurate 3D maps of the blast benches.
Scanmobile is a mobile lab built in a utility truck (van) for analyzing elements minerals and rock quality from drill cores on a tray.
Analysis results; elemental composition, minerals, and RQD-value are reported via a remote logging web browser Remolog™.
Benefits and Features
Less sample preparation, handling, and less logistics
Saves time in data management
Core fractures located and RQD-value calculated
Results available before geologist’s logging
Remote and real-time access to information
Fast and effective elemental XRF analysis
High resolution core photography
Rock Quality Designation and mineral recognition
Inbuilt QA/QC system
Remolog ™ web based remote logging and reporting browser
Real-time remote logs and management