Chilean mines, interested in IMA Engineering’s technology

Chilean mines are interested in testing and using IMA Engineering’s technology, to improve their operations. As IMA was present at the Expomin with its partner, Nicolaides S.A., many visitors expressed interest in our smart mining technology.

Why are Chilean mines so important?

The Chilean market is extremely important for the whole world, as it is the main copper producer, with 29% of global production. Also, it is the second-largest producer of lithium (22% of global production).

“The existing customers want to extend the cooperation. Thus, after they rented a Fast Conveyor Analyzer, a mining company is also interested in drill cuttings analysis. This means that our Blast Hole Sampler-Analyzer and Autosampler might soon find their way to South America.

Many visitors expressed interest in our smart mining technology as IMA attended the Expomin with its partner, Nicolaides S.A.

IMA Bulk Ore Sorting (BOS) systems generated a significant amount of attention, with visitors being reminded of the significance of ore processing rather than waste through a scale model displayed on the stand’s table”, Ville Hakala, VP of IMA Engineering mentioned.

“We were delighted to inform visitors about the BOS system’s triumphs in various regions such as Chile, Brazil, South Africa, and Europe,” Ville Hakala added.

Still, according to estimations, decarbonization for limiting global warming to 2°C, requests 20% more copper than the current supply projections. IMA Engineering’s technology proves to be useful. It helps mining companies identify where the valuable ore is and follow it through the entire process. Thus, it reduces expenses and losses, and it offers the means for reaching the mine-to-mill reconciliation.

“IMA Engineering is ready to help mines improve their production, reduce expenses, reduce waste, and diminish tailings. All these would help them become more efficient, and the world would come closer to decarbonization, by rolling out widespread electrification”, Jukka Raatikainen, Managing Director, and CEO of IMA Engineering.

Mining companies need disruptive technologies

Mining companies are starting to understand that mining the same way they used to do would not help them stay competitive. So, they discover their need for disruptive technologies.

One of the questions that visitors of Expomin asked was if IMA Technology can measure Cobalt. This is just one example of new needs that are constantly discovered, and for which new technologies are needed.

“Our technologies have been tested in the last almost 30 years, and they proved their capacity. Now, it is high time for mines to reach the environmental goals, while spending less, and earning more,” Jukka Raatikainen added.

The event in Santiago also brought Johanna Kotkajärvi, Ambassador, Head of Mission, Embassy of Finland in Santiago de Chile, and Piia Nummela, Senior Advisor at Business Finland, to our stand.

What is IMA Engineering?

IMA Engineering has used on-line sensors for analyzing ore and waste rock in mining for over 25 years. Today IMA on-line sensors are used in various stages of the mining process including on-line analysis of drill cores, drill chips, ore, and waste in loader buckets, ROM ore analysis on conveyor belts and in bulk ore sorting, as well as slurry analysis in concentrators.

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