IMA Engineering received the Kauppalehti Achiever Certificate 2022

IMA Engineering received the Achiever Certificate 2022 from Kauppalehti, with a score of 82 out of 100 points. This places IMA in the first 2% of Finnish companies, according to its financial performance.

The Achiever certificate proves that the IMA has a solid financial foundation. Also, it shows that it is a reliable and desirable partner, as well as a good employer. Moreover, it proves that the company has the necessary business acumen.

What is IMA Engineering?

IMA Engineering has used on-line sensors for analyzing ore and waste rock in mining for over 25 years. Today IMA on-line sensors are used in various stages of the mining process including on-line analysis of drill cores, drill chips, ore, and waste in loader buckets, ROM ore analysis on conveyor belts and in bulk ore sorting, as well as slurry analysis in concentrators.

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Chilean mines, interested in IMA Engineering’s technology


IMA Engineering at The Future Minerals Forum, in Riyadh