News News

Reducing carbon footprint in mining by bulk ore sorting

Sustainability and environmental consideration stand at the core of IMA’s philosophy. Everything we do is to help mines become more efficient and environmentally sustainable. In Bulk Ore Sorting the IMA BOSS is removing waste rock from mineral concentrator feed material and replacing it from ore recovered by sorting from waste rock.

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News News

Remote installations and reduction in CO2 emissions

With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, we have reduced and, in many cases, halted completely our travel plans to visit our customers. We worked hard to transform and adapt to the new global economical and environmental situations, and this led to remote deliveries and installation of our smart mining solutions. This month we delivered and installed the IMACON remotely in Peru. Our solutions are installed and used in a copper mine.

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News News

The Kitwe Seminar for Small Scale Miners

In June IMA Engineering continued the collaboration with the Zambian mining technology through the Kitwe seminar. IMA Engineering has been appointed by the Finnish Embassy and AGS Programme Management Unit in Lusaka to conduct a feasibility study whose aim is to develop new mining businesses and encourage collaboration between Finnish and Zambian mining technology providers.

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Projects Projects

Finland aims to take the lead in Europe’s battery production

In the context of an increasingly growing market like the one of batteries, which by 2025 is estimated to reach €250 billion, Europe wants to become the leader in innovation, digitalisation and decarbonisation. Battery production is essential for clean energy transition, therefore research and innovative technologies play a strategic role.

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