A new year ahead for IMA

A new year brings new opportunities and this is also the case for IMA in 2020. We are excited to share with you a few pieces of news regarding the year ahead. Our growth plans for 2020 are focused mainly on the South American market.

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IMA'S 2018 Year in Review

Another year comes to an end. For IMA 2018 was amazing and full with new opportunities to grow. But before we even begin to highlight our year, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our employees, our business and government partners as well as customers who made this year a great success.

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IMA started ITERAMS in July in Boliden Kevitsa mine.

Sample collection for ITERAMS WP1 (Sample collection for other tasks and work packages) has started in co-operation between Boliden Kevitsa, Ima Engineering, Leoben University and Oulu University. The team planned and executed the kick-off meeting and the first sampling campaign in Kevitsa Mine. The team studied Kevitsa Mine orebody mineralogy, potential locations of suitable geo-polymer locations and then collected the first set of samples from blast benches and tailings area. Samples were then splitted and transported to Oulu.

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